Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 25

Half way thru week 25 and I am feeling good.
I decided maybe I should start documenting some of this pregnancy because I haven't been doing it as much as I did with my first pregnancy......probably because I hardly have a quiet minute with my little man running around. So I figured, better late then never.

So far this pregnancy has been completely different then the one with Brooks....which is why I was so convinced it was a girl....but it is not! I had way more nausea with #2 and MUCH more fatigue and irritability. I have not decided if it was probably because I did not get many naps in like my first and I was just much more cranky and tired. Also with #2 I had a kidney stone, at about week 23 I started feeling pains in my side like I was in labor. I had horrible images in my head of giving birth to a 2lbs baby and the challenges that would come with that......strange to say, but we were thankful it was ONLY a kidney stone(haha).

I also was told by my doctor that I probably should take it a bit easier than I had been. I was still working out pretty hard and carrying Brooks all over the place....my OB warned me that I need to slow down and stop carrying my baby boy or I would go into pre-term labor.....definetly something I want to avoid! It has been a challenge to slow down, especially when Brooks comes up to me with arms stretched up saying "momma, momma" wanting to be held :( It makes me sad. I only pick him up when necessary. Cutting out the workouts is tough for me because I had been doing SOOO well with not gaining as much weight with this one, so I just walk now and when I have good days I may pick up light weights and do some basic things. I don't find it super exciting for a doctor to tell me I can be lazy....it would make me crazy if I did not work out!
Thankfully I am only up 17lbs (which is about 15lbs less then where I was at with Brooks at this point), and I only plan on gaining about 15-20lbs more......I gained about 60lbs with #1.

Brooks is getting to be such a big guy:) He is walking/running everywhere and getting into EVERYTHING.....he babbles a lot and also says certain words like.....momma, dadda, Rigby, doggie, kitty, cheese, Nana, hot dog, night night, one two three!, uh oh, Hi, bye bye, baby, nose, mouth.......he is now lifting up his shirt all the time and pointing at his belly and saying "baby".....he then finds mommas baby and give my belly a kiss:) he is such a sweet sweet boy:) He LOVES music and any kind of beat he hears he usually starts dancing and clapping. He loves to read and brings Brooklyn and I books, nonstop....he also loves anything with buttons and all the things he should not have, like the remote, PS3 controllers and cell phones.
He loves his puppies and likes to lay on Lucy when she is sleeping and give her kisses, Rigby is good with him too, but he only likes the attention on his terms.

So only 14 more weeks to go and almost in my 3rd trimester.....its been flying (since I hit about 14 weeks) and we are looking for to the changes and challenges God is going to bring our way.
We can't wait to meet Harrison Michael and introduce him to his amazing family:)

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